Cat & Mouse Game


Tactical Problem:

Skill development: lateral and frontal movement



Cat & Mouse



  • playing area is set up as a square or rectangle (consider using the dimensions of the court - possibly the service boxes)
  • One partner leads and places the shuttle in the corner of the court
  • partner #2 follows trying to “catch” number one by retrieving the shuttles and replacing them back into the centre of the court
  • switch-up


       (a)                                      (b)


Organizational Points: 

  • students are in groups of 2 or 3
  • one retrieves four cones and a ball, the other locates a playing area
  • cones and balls are set out prior to instruction and spaced apart
  • balls are contained
  • students can use the service courts if preferred

Teaching Points: 

Ø      slowly build up to quick movements

Ø      lunge step to get to target


Modifications / Refinements / Progressions:

  • students are able to change the dimensions of the playing area
  • if it is too easy then make the playing area larger
  • too difficult - decrease the playing area
  • groups of three will alternate